MODULE: Dispatch Clearance Certificate:

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Dispatch Clearance Certificate Details

PO NO: CSR/SPO-13680

PO Date: 2021-06-02

Supplier: HLL Lifecare Ltd.,

Item Name Batch Mfg date Exp Date Certificate No Certificate Date
Injection Remdesivir 100 mg. (100mg/Vial ) Bangladesh B.N.37100101 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 2021-06-02

PO NO: CSR/SPO-13681

PO Date: 2021-06-02

Supplier: HLL Lifecare Ltd.,

Item Name Batch Mfg date Exp Date Certificate No Certificate Date
Injection Remdesivir 100 mg. (100mg/Vial ) USA B.N.30213 0000-00-00 2024-01-31 2021-06-02


PO Date: 2021-06-02

Supplier: World Health Organization

Certificate Not Issued Yet!

PO NO: NHM-18011/22/2020-PROC-NHM-Part(2)/ECF-168035/SPO-13682

PO Date: 2021-06-02

Supplier: Hetero Health Care Ltd

Item Name Batch Mfg date Exp Date Certificate No Certificate Date
Tab. Posaconazole (100 mg. ) HH2105180 2021-05-01 2023-04-30 18360 2021-06-08

PO NO: GoI HLL/SPO-13685

PO Date: 2021-06-02

Supplier: GOVT. OF INDIA(From HLL)

Certificate Not Issued Yet!

PO NO: Bandhan CSR/SPO-13687

PO Date: 2021-06-02

Supplier: BANDHAN

Certificate Not Issued Yet!

PO NO: CSR/SPO-13678

PO Date: 2021-06-01

Supplier: Apollo Hospital Guwahati

Item Name Batch Mfg date Exp Date Certificate No Certificate Date
Injection Remdesivir 100 mg. (100mg/Vial ) P10018 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 2021-06-01

PO NO: CSR/SPO-13684

PO Date: 2021-06-01

Supplier: HLL Lifecare Ltd.,

Item Name Batch Mfg date Exp Date Certificate No Certificate Date
VTM(Viral Transport Medium) Kit. (w/ 3 mL Viral Transport Medium in a self-standing tube, one sterile flocked nylon swab with break point and one sterile polyester swab without break point. ) HLL Without Swab 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 2021-06-01

PO NO: NHM/Outsourced Lab/COVID/2020-21/pT.-IV/SPO-13679

PO Date: 2021-06-01

Supplier: M/s NJD Traders

Certificate Not Issued Yet!

PO NO: NHM-38019/1/2021-NVBDCP-NHM/IV/SPO-13673

PO Date: 2021-05-31

Supplier: M/S Mittal Enterprises

Item Name Batch Mfg date Exp Date Certificate No Certificate Date
M-4 Provider ( ) 13673 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 13673 2021-10-04

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